The story of Nora Azma
Nora Azma International Inspection Company (NAIT), with more than ten years of activity in inspection and laboratory services, is proud to provide all kinds of inspection services, including pre-shipment inspection (PSI), post-shipment inspection, including quantitative, qualitative and packaging control. , technical inspections and sampling and evaluation and compliance of all types of goods. This company operates by using experienced and efficient experts and inspectors of the inspection industry inside and outside the country and by using Acrodite laboratories at the domestic and international level. And also, as an independent institution approved by the National Standards Organization of Iran and in the list of authorized inspection companies of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is committed to providing services in accordance with the rules, regulations and bylaws of national and international regulatory organizations.
سخن مدیر
In line with the establishment of an integrated management system and sustainable development, we announce the achievement of the goals as follows:
Adhering to professional ethics by maintaining and respecting the principles of independence and impartiality
Protection of intellectual property and proprietary information with an emphasis on maintaining confidentiality and privacy
Promoting a customer-oriented culture and maintaining effective relationships in order to secure the trust and satisfaction of employers and customers
Managing and updating the level of technical and professional knowledge of employees through effective training in order to improve the quality of services, occupational health and safety.
Creating incentive systems and increasing the level of participation and maintaining the spirit of employee cooperation
Identifying and controlling risks and potentially damaging factors and trying to manage and optimize risks
I hope that the road ahead will be smooth with mutual understanding, cooperation, and the use of your skills, dear employees engaged in the work of inspection activities and laboratory services.